Sunday, August 30, 2015

Traveling to Seville, Casa de Pilatos, Spain - Nov, 2014

Casa de Pilatos in Seville

After getting lost and wandering aimlessly much of the morning, I decided I needed to concentrate and look at a map and actually find one of the places that I wanted to tour.  On my list was the Casa de Pilatos, a palace from the 16th century.  It was difficult to find, but well worth the effort.

Bits from Wikipedia:
"La Casa de Pilatos (Pilate's House) is an Andalusian palace in Seville, Spain, which serves as the permanent residence of the Dukes of Medinaceli. The building is a mixture of Renaissance Italian and Mudéjar Spanish styles. It is considered the prototype of the Andalusian palace."

I am totally enthralled with this palace, as you will see from my 15 million photos!  I kept taking photos around every corner,  in every new archway and garden.  Then I would go around the corner again and not have other tourists in my viewfinder, so I would snap away again.  I have tried to delete the duplicates, but the average person may get bored of all my photos.  I am in love with this place, the colors were magnificent, despite it being a cloudy and rainy day. I wish you could feel the serenity in my photos.  It is a place that I could live out my life, it was that beautiful and peaceful.  I could live in just a small wing of this huge place and please without all the tourists of course!

The entrance from the street.

The courtyard is obviously roped off, but lovely just the same.

Just imagine strolling in this place, feeling at home
 a few hundred years ago.

What a grand room!
Wow, the ceiling and this lantern.

The most lovely fountain in the middle of the room.
And a peak outside to the large garden and other
wings to this palace.
And then on to the next room, this one
with a fountain in the middle, tiled
walls and a very ornate ceiling.

A lovely peak out to the big center garden.

Another grand room.

Hmmm, we just need a table, a few pillows, a deck of cards and a bottle of wine!

Then there was the smallish side garden with it's one room, accessible from the outside garden.  They had some lovely marble antiquities in this area.

The loveliest outdoor room off of the side garden. I will
call it the Yellow Room.

With ornate wrought iron over the window.

Entering the Yellow Room.

Inside the Yellow Room were a few antiquities made of marble.
I would love to have this club on the bottom! Oh My!
And I would love this marble helmet!

Look at the carving on this door!
The old tiles in the terra cotta walkway are a wonderful idea!
I hope to copy this look someday on an outdoor patio!
Looking back towards the Yellow Room from the side garden.
I don't need much, I could just live in this area!
Part of an old marble bird bath or fountain.

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